1 poem
By jon law
Tamiscal High School
To spend a day on the fringe of failure,
and the next on the grandest of breakthroughs!
To one day be pushed against the wall,
cleansed of conceit,
to see light only because of the dark,
what fun!
What a journey,
to one day have-not,
but have not for not some time;
because will is willed by the not.
one will live for these times;
for the lighthearted fear of failure,
the light heart seeks the ascension,
the clamber.
the pinnacle serves no purpose except to further the ascension
or make peace with the walls,
now of one’s mansion.
by then failure is only a daydream,
the light heart made heavy with certainty.
Better, it may seem,
but yearn, the heart will,
for the light.
the toil is forgotten,
the sweat dry,
the calluses soft
the dirt eclipsed.
Only the heart remains:
the twists and turns,
the falls and flips.
The progress, I say
the rise is a wild joy
in service to the heart and soul and mind and family and world
until one can look down
and look back
and see the range of his ascension
and have been happy all the way along.
jon law
Jon Law is a student in the Bay Area. He's always been an avid writer and reader and is a four-time author on the subjects of investing and cryptocurrency. He's since founded a publishing company, Aude Publishing, and enjoys further exploring the literary world, especially through poetry.