2 poems
By Riya Malik
Cupertino High School
back to biting
i bite my nails to bite my tongue
to muffle the whimpers of anxiety that bleed through my mouth
they look battered and broken just like my heart
they hold the secrets of my mind that no one knows
they’re an art piece of pain
a canvas of scars
holding years of worry
that my eyes learned to hide
they’re a burden i carry
that i hide with paint
but soon it chips off
and my armor’s broken again
have you ever tasted your tears before?
they’re salty - just like the ocean
but where the ocean drowns you
your tears help you escape
where the ocean is suffocating
your tears are relieving
a breath of fresh air
from the slamming, pounding waves
of the angry sea
but sometimes my tears attack me
my head throbs and i gulp for air
then the ocean becomes my savior
as i listen to the calming water
Riya Malik
A passionate fan of all forms of literature, Riya Malik is a junior in high school who enjoys reading, crocheting, and writing. She hopes to connect with others through her work to inspire and uplift.