2 poems
by Uma Menon
Winter Park High School
deserted playground
learning to play is difficult
in a deserted playground
more so than learning to read
write sing dance finding
enjoyment in each act becomes
more and more difficult
as i age. to know that my skin
will rust to ash gray one day
like the chain of my swing
& leave the earth suddenly
like the children of an aging
neighborhood i cannot fathom
when i press my ear against
the basketball hoop
i hear songs of children whose touch
turned this playground to rust.
in quietude, i search for a voice
that my ear cannot pick up
& tighten the lid of a long-
emptied jar. by day, i hope that
telekinesis can move my mind
into closed spaces, but it
is claustrophobic, incurably so.
i wonder where my mind goes
after the moon swallows this jar
& where i go after this. to the same
place i hope, so telekinesis can
move silence away from me.